Hola from the Sierra Nevada Spain. As many of you know I spend time here each year tending my garden, implementing my permaculture project and walking the mountains. One of the blessings of this place is the interesting and inspirational people that cross my path. Artists are, for obvious reasons drawn to this beautiful area and I have become friends with quite a few over the years. I thought it could be interesting to share with you some of their work and stories.


She lives and works from her studio Casa Lenador. The vistas are breathtaking and give Christine ample opportunity to communicate with the landscape that has now become part of who she is. Her art springs from this delicate and intimate relationship. She walks the mountains regularly, listening, gazing, feeling and when moved responds by creating delicate but strong zen like prints in blue or plays with water colours. This current collection Christine had named Blue Mountain.


As we print ourselves I was, needless to say, fascinated by the art of monoprinting and she was kind enough to give a demonstration and even let me paint and print my own piece of art. What is apparent is that this is a spontaneous painterly method of printing. Quite unique, as the end result has a lustrous luminous quality.

The process begins with Christine painting on a plate. She uses tools that she has personally made from objects she has gathered on her meanderings: sheep’s wool, grass, wood etc. then proceeds to paint, creating scratch marks on the plate. This is a reflective space where all that she has absorbed from the mountain is transferred to the plate.

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You are never quite sure what the end results will be. Unfortunately my pics do not do justice to these beautiful works of art.


Below is Christine putting some water colours into a series. These little cameos dialogue with one another and are best viewed in a group.


Christine has a little ritual of taking 8 sheets of paper on her daily walk, she finds a spot: the mountain speaks and she paints in watercolor then back in the studio reworks in pastels. The results are rich and deeply evocative of these sierras that I know so well.


If you are looking for inspiration and interested in learning more about the art of printmaking here are a few books from Christine’s collection. You can also visit her website www.forthetimebeing.weebly.com and her prints are available for sale.

Thank you Christine for an inspiring visit and sharing with me your tranquil space, your art and a life that is lived so authentically.